function handles = barweb(barvalues, errors, width, groupnames, bw_title, bw_xlabel, bw_ylabel, bw_colormap, gridstatus, bw_legend) % % Usage: handles = barweb(barvalues, errors, width, groupnames, bw_title, bw_xlabel, bw_ylabel, bw_colormap, gridstatus, bw_legend) % % Ex: handles = barweb(my_barvalues, my_errors, [], [], [], [], [], bone, [], bw_legend) % % barweb is the m-by-n matrix of barvalues to be plotted. % barweb calls the MATLAB bar function and plots m groups of n bars using the width and bw_colormap parameters. % If you want all the bars to be the same color, then set bw_colormap equal to the RBG matrix value ie. (bw_colormap = [1 0 0] for all red bars) % barweb then calls the MATLAB errorbar function to draw barvalues with error bars of length error. % groupnames is an m-length cellstr vector of groupnames (i.e. groupnames = {'group 1'; 'group 2'}). For no groupnames, enter [] or {} % The errors matrix is of the same form of the barvalues matrix, namely m group of n errors. % Gridstatus is either 'x','xy', 'y', or 'none' for no grid. % No legend will be shown if the legend paramter is not provided % % The following default values are used if parameters are left out or skipped by using []. % width = 1 (0 < width < 1; widths greater than 1 will produce overlapping bars) % groupnames = '1', '2', ... number_of_groups % bw_title, bw_xlabel, bw_ylabel = [] % bw_color_map = jet % gridstatus = 'none' % bw_legend = [] % % A list of handles are returned so that the user can change the properties of the plot % handles.curr_axis: handle to current axis % handles.bars: handle to bar plot % handles.errors: a vector of handles to the error plots, with each handle corresponding to a column in the error matrix % handles.title: handle to plot title % handles.xlabel: handle to xlabel % handles.ylabel: handle to ylabel % handles.legend: handle to legend % handle to current axis % % % See the MATLAB functions bar and errorbar for more information % % Author: Bolu Ajiboye % Created: October 18, 2005 (ver 1.0) % Updated: Dec 07, 2006 (ver 2.1) % Get function arguments if nargin < 2 error('Must have at least the first two arguments: barweb(barvalues, errors, width, groupnames, bw_title, bw_xlabel, bw_ylabel, bw_colormap, gridstatus, bw_legend)'); elseif nargin == 2 width = 1; groupnames = 1:size(barvalues,1); bw_title = []; bw_xlabel = []; bw_ylabel = []; bw_colormap = jet; gridstatus = 'none'; bw_legend = []; elseif nargin == 3 groupnames = 1:size(barvalues,1); bw_title = []; bw_xlabel = []; bw_ylabel = []; bw_colormap = jet; gridstatus = 'none'; bw_legend = []; elseif nargin == 4 bw_title = []; bw_xlabel = []; bw_ylabel = []; bw_colormap = jet; gridstatus = 'none'; bw_legend = []; elseif nargin == 5 bw_xlabel = []; bw_ylabel = []; bw_colormap = jet; gridstatus = 'none'; bw_legend = []; elseif nargin == 6 bw_ylabel = []; bw_colormap = jet; gridstatus = 'none'; bw_legend = []; elseif nargin == 7 bw_colormap = jet; gridstatus = 'none'; bw_legend = []; elseif nargin == 8 gridstatus = 'none'; bw_legend = []; elseif nargin == 9 bw_legend = []; end change_axis = 0; if size(barvalues,1) ~= size(errors,1) || size(barvalues,2) ~= size(errors,2) error('barvalues and errors matrix must be of same dimension'); else if size(barvalues,2) == 1 barvalues = barvalues'; errors = errors'; end if size(barvalues,1) == 1 barvalues = [barvalues; zeros(1,length(barvalues))]; errors = [errors; zeros(1,size(barvalues,2))]; change_axis = 1; end numgroups = size(barvalues, 1); % number of groups numbars = size(barvalues, 2); % number of bars in a group if isempty(width) width = 1; end % Plot bars and errors handles.bars = bar(barvalues, width); hold on if length(bw_colormap) colormap(bw_colormap); else colormap(jet); end groupwidth = min(0.8, numbars/(numbars+1.5)); for i = 1:numbars x = (1:numgroups) - groupwidth/2 + (2*i-1) * groupwidth / (2*numbars); handles.errors(i) = errorbar(x, barvalues(:,i), errors(:,i), 'k', 'linestyle', 'none'); end set(gcf, 'color', 'white') if ~isempty(bw_title) handles.title = title(bw_title, 'fontsize',14); else handles.title = []; end if ~isempty(bw_xlabel) handles.xlabel =xlabel(bw_xlabel, 'fontsize',12); else handles.xlabel = []; end if ~isempty(bw_ylabel) handles.ylabel =ylabel(bw_ylabel, 'fontsize',12); else handles.ylabel = []; end set(gca, 'xticklabel', groupnames, 'box', 'off', 'ticklength', [0 0], 'fontsize', 12, 'xtick',1:numgroups); if isequal(gridstatus, 'x') set(gca,'xgrid','on'); set(gca,'ygrid','off'); elseif isequal(gridstatus, 'y') set(gca,'xgrid','off'); set(gca,'ygrid','on'); elseif isequal(gridstatus, 'xy') set(gca,'xgrid','on'); set(gca,'ygrid','on'); else set(gca,'xgrid','off'); set(gca,'ygrid','off'); end xlim([0.5 numgroups-change_axis+0.5]); if ~isempty(bw_legend) handles.legend = legend(bw_legend, 'location', 'best', 'fontsize',12); legend boxoff; else handles.legend = []; end = gca; hold off end return