PharmacologyII 2024


教师: 吴少瑜

Medical Thesis Writing 2024

《Medical Thesis Writing》课程面向国际留学生硕士和博士生。课程36个学时,2个学分。


(1) Introduction

(2) Writing of Main Text of SCI Papers (Ⅰ)
(3) Writing of Main Text of SCI Papers (Ⅱ)
(4) Writing of Supplement Text of SCI Papers (Ⅰ)
(5) Writing of Supplement Text of SCI Papers (Ⅱ) and Introduction of Endnote Software
(6) Quantities and Units in Writing of SCI Papers
(7) Figures in Writing of SCI Papers
(8) Tables in Writing of SCI Papers
(9) Submission and Publication of SCI Papers
(10) Procedure of Submission of SCI Papers
(11) Writing of Thesis and Defense
(12) Exam
教师: 黄振烈

Pre-sessional Chinese Course

Pre-sessional Chinese Course is a part of Chinese I and it is online. Before the official class starts, please learn the pre-sessional Chinese course yourself. It is essential to master the ability to listen, speak, read, and write Chinese language in China. Therefore, SMU offers rich learning resources to help International students get used to studying in China in advance. There will be a placement exam at the end of this course to assess the self-learning effect and details will be shown on the timetable/Teaching Affairs System. Generally, the exam is conducted in early October.

Start your journey in SMU from Chinese language now!

《Medical Thesis Writing》2022



教师: 黄振烈


Course Introduction

Medical Physics is a science based upon physical problems in clinical medicine. It mainly concerns the application of physics concepts, theories and methods to medicine.


教师: 王青