


by THAPA, SURAKSHYA 2017临床医学(中国政府奖学金) -
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1.根据头痛部位:偏头痛是一侧或双侧额颞部疼痛 紧张型头痛是双侧枕部或全头部头痛
  根据头痛性质:偏头痛是搏动样头痛 紧张型头痛是压迫样或紧缩样头痛
  紧张型头痛疼痛部位有肌肉触痛或压痛点 颈肩部肌肉有僵硬感 而偏头痛没有

2.发作期治疗:症状起始时立即服药;止痛剂如去痛片、芬必得等 镇静剂如安定片等 麦角类如麦角胺等 5-HT受体激动剂如舒马普坦等;轻中度头痛可用阿司匹林 布洛芬等 中重度头痛可用特异性治疗药物 例如麦角类

预防性治疗:频繁发作者需进行预防性治疗 可使用β-受体阻滞剂如心得安 抗抑郁药如阿米替林等 钙通道拮抗剂如尼莫地平等

1. According to the location of the headache: migraine is pain in one or both frontal and temporal areas; tension-type headache is bilateral occipital or total head headache

  According to the nature of the headache: migraine is a pulsation-like headache Tension-type headache is a compression-like or contraction-like headache

  Tension headaches have muscle tenderness or tenderness in the painful area, stiffness in the neck and shoulder muscles, but no migraine

2. Onset treatment: take the medicine immediately at the onset of symptoms; analgesics such as painkillers, fenbid and other tranquilizers such as diazepam and other ergots such as ergotamine and other 5-HT receptor agonists such as sumatriptan; mild to moderate For mild headaches, aspirin and ibuprofen can be used for moderate to severe headaches. Specific treatment drugs such as ergots can be used.

Preventive treatment: Frequent authors need preventive treatment. Beta-blockers such as propranolol can be used. Antidepressants such as amitriptyline. Calcium channel antagonists such as nimodipine.