


2017临床医学(中国政府奖学金)THAPA, SURAKSHYA -


2、损伤平面以下弛缓性瘫,肌张力低,腱反射减弱或消失,无病理征。一般持续2~4周。后期则出现肌张力增高、腱反射亢进、病理征(+)、 反射性排尿。


1. Paralysis of the upper motor neuron on the same side below the diseased segment, deep sensory disturbance, fine touch disturbance, and contralateral pain and temperature disturbance

2. Flaccid paralysis below the injury level, low muscle tension, weakened or disappeared tendon reflexes, and no pathological signs. It usually lasts 2 to 4 weeks. In the later stage, increased muscle tone, tendon hyperreflexia, pathological signs (+), and reflex urination appear.

3. Early symptoms, nerve root pain, sensory disturbances, pain and temperature perception, hemisection of the spinal cord syndrome, segmental muscle weakness and atrophy, pyramidal tract signs, sphincter dysfunction, spinal canal obstruction, increased cerebrospinal fluid protein, spinal X-ray Plain film changes, myelography filling defect, MRI