


本课程40学时,理论20学时,实验20学时,2学分。理论课与实验课学时之比为1:1。 混合教学课时数(含学生自主学习时间)占总课时的比例:50%

This course is a compulsory public basic course and has distinct fundamental and practical characters which aims to help clinical medical students(Excellent Innovation Class) to grasp the basic information knowledge required by information society, and the capabilities of basic operating skills and programming skills, so as to cultivate the capability of information obtain, processing, broadcasting and application, get familiar with the network environment, and lay a solid foundation for their self-taught, life-long learning and adapting to the future work.

This course takes advantages of the use of modern teaching methods and large number of cases and great amount of operating display to guide the clinical medical students with higher start point than common medical students to focus on practical application abilities of computer skills besides the learning of frontier knowledge and gain the target of having strong information technology quality.

It has 40 hours for lessons, with 20 hours for theoretical class and practicing teaching respectively, keeping a proper ratio of 1 to 1. The course credit is 2. The proportion of mixed teaching hours (including students' autonomous learning time) accounts for 50% of the total class hours.


Course creator: 杨谊