Questions & Comments

What do you do in holidays?

What do you do in holidays?

2017生物统计刘雅 -
In China,there are many hoildays during the festivals.Some people spend time in travaling and have fun with their friends and family.Other take full advantage of time to learning news skills and reading books.   Nomatter what they do,they  all enrich themselves. So what do you do during your hoildays?

回复: What do you do in holidays?

2017生物技术程江路 -
Well, to be honest, I extremely want to spend holidays with my family, whereas, it may be imposibble because I am far from my home and my family. On the other hand, I also get more chances to stay with my friends and stay alone, which actually a fantastic way to take time off.

回复: What do you do in holidays?

2017生物技术邓志颖 -

I usually sleep for half a day during the holidays, then I get up for lunch. I watch TV and chat with my family in the evening.